Reaching the summit of Mount Everest is said to be the closest you can get to heaven on earth. It is the highest point on the planet, but very few attempt the climb, and even fewer reach the top.
The journey to the summit begins with rigorous physical and mental training. Success is impossible without preparing yourself for the challenges ahead.
You cannot make the journey alone. You need the help of sherpas to guide you along the way. These experienced guides know the mountain, understand the elements, and are there to offer encouragement and will carry your supplies and help lighten your load.
Reaching the summit cannot be done in one day, and there are no shortcuts. Basecamps and checkpoints provide opportunities to acclimate to the altitude, rest, eat, and prepare for the next leg of the journey.
Life is not much different than climbing Everest. It is a long and difficult journey that cannot be accomplished alone, or in one day. Along the way, you will encounter great moments and take in the breathtaking beauty and majesty of the world around you.
However, to reach the summit, you need the help of mentors (sherpas), who can guide you along your way. They have traveled the path before. They have been where you want to go. They will provide the wisdom and guidance that you need to make your journey safer.
Taking the journey alone is a dangerous risk. As you climb higher in elevation, the air gets thin and your mind can play tricks on you. You will need help to reach the next checkpoint, so that you don’t become disoriented and fall down the mountain.
The journey is long, hard, and rewarding. But it requires the willingness to find guides, and to ask for help along the way. It requires accepting the help, accepting and applying the wisdom and guidance, so that you can safely make it to each checkpoint, as you make your way to the summit.
Questions to Consider
- In what ways am I preparing myself for the challenges ahead on my journey?
- Who are the mentors or sherpas in my life? Do they have the experience and wisdom to guide me along my journey? Am I actively seeking and accepting their guidance? Do I need to find mentors?
- Am I willing to ask for help and accept it when offered? Or am I trying to make the journey alone and taking unnecessary risks?
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